Monday, February 27, 2012

Rudolph Day

I didn't do anything for Rudolph Day this month. I got a new car at the end of last month so I don't have extra money for a gift order right now. Plus I ordered a new TV stand that is arriving tomorrow. I can't wait for that and I'm sure there will be a picture on here. I went through my Christmas notebook last month and started some lists. I don't think I'm making anything for gifts this year. I'm just working on my laundry room cross stitch right now. I might check my Amazon cart to see if anything is on sale since Hubby should be getting paid today. I got the dining room deep cleaned so the kitchen and dining are done. I might do the hallway closet today. I don't have a lot of energy to do the computer room.

Update: I just added an item to my Amazon cart so I did a tiny Christmas task today.

1 comment:

  1. Anything Christmasy is great. Missing you over at MHH. Ahorsesoul
