Monday, April 16, 2012

Painting, Staining, Cleaning...

All day Saturday I helped my Mom paint her living room. It's a nice neutral brownish color. She helped me paint all the rooms in our house when we first moved in, so I try to help her do hers too.

Sunday morning I stained the front of the porch stuff. Two coats on the railings and one on the lattice. It went much faster than the front stairs. I just have the side and back lattice left.

Today I cleaned the spare bedroom. The only room left for Spring cleaning is our bedroom, but I've been putting it off until the weather gets more consistant. I want to wash the bedding and put a lighter quilt on for the Summer, but some days it's 80 degrees (today) and some days it's chilly. I only have a few odds and ends left besides our room for Spring cleaning. I'm ahead of the game this year.

Friday, I think we'll go look at new couches. I hope to get it ordered and have that done with. I think I will take a quilt from our bedroom chair and put it on the new couch for a blanket. It's got many shades of blue and it will go with the curtains and be another pop of color. I want a tan/brown couch so it will be neutral and the quilt will add a some color since I won't be able to use my slipcovers anymore if we get a reclining one.

The city called and said they would be flushing water in our area over the next week so every time I do laundry or run the dishwasher I have to check the water first and make sure they don't come while it's running. Nice of them to be specific. I did as much laundry yesterday as I could because I figured they wouldn't work on Sunday. I had washed the stuff in the spare bedroom too in case. That made it easy and quick to clean today. I think our bedroom will be faster to clean as well since I redid it when I painted in December.

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