We decided to get some decorative stone instead of mulching year after year. We thought it would be better to do it during the Fall since the weather is perfect. Cool and dry, just the way I'd like it to be year round. We got almost half of the rock pile spread. Spreading stone is a lot harder than spreading mulch. You can't just push through and finish in one day like you sometimes can with mulch. It's not physically possible. The results are wonderful though! It looks clean and neat and the best part is that it will stay like that. The stones won't fade or wash away and they only cost double the amount of mulch. Why didn't we do this in the first place?
This is the front banking. It took most of the stones we spread and a long time to do.

I love how the color of the stones coordinates with the color of the wall and stairs.
nice Jeep in the driveway ;)