Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Stairs

We decided to take the carpet off our stairs and we bought tread kits to make them into wooden stairs. We painted the risers white and stained the steps to match our other stain. I think it looks way better than before. Here's the ugly carpeted stairs.
Here's the cheap pressboard stairs we found under the carpet. Oh and Max.
Here's the new fancy stairs. Next, there's an overhang at the top of the stairs that we will be putting a small section of railing along to clean up the edge and make it look more finished.
I still have to touch up the white paint where the nails went in and touch up the stain on the sides and hubby is painting the railing brackets black instead of brass so it looks like a brand new stairwell. I think this is the last major project for this year. If it ever cools off around here we might try to do some yard work this Fall. We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Thanks for stopping by The Old Parsonage and your sweet comment!

    I love what you've done with the stairs! Rudolph Day is this Sat - Enjoy!

