Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Cleaning On Hold

So another project has interrupted my Spring cleaning. I wanted to put a chair rail in the dining room this Spring (waiting until warm enough to stain it outside because of the stink) ever since my Aunt redid her kitchen/dining nook and she put beadboard on the bottom and it looked so cute. I wanted to do beadboard, but gave up on that because I'd have to take the baseboards out and then all the floor trim which I can't do because the laminate floor goes down the hall into the computer room and all of it has trim. I decided I'd just strip the bottom of the wallpaper and paint under the chair rail for a similar look. Then last friday I saw some wood patterned wallpaper in a magazine so I started looking for beadboard patterned ones but couldn't find it in white. Then on one of my searches beadboard textured wallpaper popped up and people love it and it's paintable. So needless to say, we went to Lowes Friday night and I picked some up with some paint chips. The wallpaper stripping isn't going very quickly though and it might be my own fault. My Mom and I started using paste on already prepasted wallpaper because it's way less messy than dunking in water and the glue squishing out the ends. I've been scraping for 3 days now and they are only 30" pieces. I think someday when I do the top of the walls I'll have to get one of those things that poke holes in it and use gel remover because I will never be able to take it all off like this. Anyway, I bought paste for prepasted wallpaper to put the bead board stuff up. I think we just used regular paste on the paper so hopefully this will work.

The weather will be gorgeous this week, especially today so I'm hoping to finish scraping in time to sit on the porch for a while. I cleaned the living room the other day so I only have the downstairs bathroom left on the first floor. I want to do windows and curtains, but now the project has to be finished first so I will be waiting a little longer. I'm pretty dumb for starting it right after cleaning, so I'll have to do touch ups in there too. I think it will be worth it though.

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